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Mods that need additional details Mods that need links set to other mods Difficulty tuning Cus...

Quay Anarchy

Description Allows to place quays and flood walls anywhere. Also fixes 'Height too high' for qua...

Plop the Growables

Description Allows you to manually plop growable buildings with Find It! and having them remain ...

Cross The Line

Description Allows building certain infrastructure outside of city borders. Notes Configurati...

Surface Painter

Description Allows to paint terrain surface. Useful for detailing. Notes Configuration No set...


Description Allows having props & trees which can be color matched to your map theme grass color...

Prop Snapping

Description Allows to snap props to buildings and elevated roads. Notes Configuration As requ...

Intersection Marking Tool

Description Allows you to make lines in Intersections and between nodes. Notes Configuration ...

Write The Signs

Description Allows you to write on props. Notes Configuration Default is fine. Dependencies ...

Node Controller

Description This mod lets you control Nodes and override the base games' automatic settings. You...

Hide TMPE crosswalks

Description This mod is an add-on for TMPE that automatically removes crosswalks when TMPE bans ...


Cities: Skylines is a great city builder published by Paradox Interactive. The game is great out ...

Zone It!

Description This mod allows to change zone block layout and also disable zone block updates. It...

81 Tiles

Description Allows you to unlock the full map. Everyone should use this mod as it gives you the ...

Real Time

Description Completely changes the citizen daily-life simulation. Amongst other things makes the...

More Network Stuff

Description Allows editing ship and airplane paths ingame Notes Configuration No settings. D...

Bulldoze It!

Description Automatically bulldozes abondoned and broken buildings. This is a very boring and ti...

Customize It Extended

Description This mod is very important if you want to increase realism in your city. It allows y...

Difficulty Tuning

Description In Cities: Skylines vanilla I have always felt like the financial part of the game i...

More Effective Transfer Manager

Description Improves AI of buyer/seller selection. Buildings will try to buy from buildings that...