
Cities: Skylines is a great city builder published by Paradox Interactive. The game is great out of the box, but it can definitely be more realistic in many areas. This modding guide will help you expand the game into a way more realistic simulation as well. In addition it will contains mods that not only improve the realism, but also providing building tools and other gameplay improvements.

This guide is divided into the following chapters:

Dependency mods Mod list for mods that act as dependencies for other mods.
Simulation mods Mod list for mods that change the simulation of the game. These mods have a big impact on how the game is played.
Building/city management mods Mods that improve the quality-of-life of the game by adding extra building tools and management tools.
Visual mods Mods that improve the graphics of the game to make the scene more realistic.
Meta mods Mods that alter the user experience such as the UI.

Mod pages

For mod pages, the pages will be tagged by the level of importance.

Nice-to-have Mods that improve an aspect of the game, but is not important.
Playstyle-Dependent This mod should be considered by how you want to play the game.
Must-have Mods that add a serious improvement to the game, that I would not want to play without.
Dependency Mods that act as dependencies for another mod.

Dependencies that are special (e.g. DLC, non-dependency mods (mods that affect the simulation, and is not only meant as a dependency). Mods that are in the chapter "Dependency mods" should always be installed when using this guide.